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in the Sacramento Valley

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As part of an environmental initiative to help recover struggling salmon populations, California Rice has assembled a strong coalition of scientists, rice growers and project funding organizations. Our $1.4 million pilot project will test and refine rice farming practices to provide habitat and food for fish.

California Rice has successfully worked with partners to specifically manage its floodplain farm fields to benefit millions of birds. We now look forward to adding to this legacy of conservation by using our “surrogate wetlands” to help fish in the Sacramento Valley.

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Refine previous trials to grow salmon in winter-flooded rice fields into standardized management practices for use on farms near Sacramento River tributaries.

Insert micro transmitters into 900 young Chinook salmon to track their journey from the Sacramento Valley all the way out to the Pacific Ocean.

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A jar of zooplankton “bugs” from winter flooded rice fields. These are the bugs that the small salmon feast upon while in winter flooded rice fields to grow so quickly to prepare for their journey to the ocean.

A jar of zooplankton “bugs” from winter flooded rice fields. These are the bugs that the small salmon feast upon while in winter flooded rice fields to grow so quickly to prepare for their journey to the ocean.

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The science elements of this project are being led by the renowned Center for Watershed Sciences at UC Davis in collaboration with California Trout. Essential to the program’s success is coordination with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service providing valuable scientific expertise and supplying the hatchery fish for the project.

California Trout logo
UC Davis Center for Watershed Science logo

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Here are the latest developments in the project efforts.

Track our Fish to the Ocean (New!)

Read a detailed 2024-20 Fieldwork Synopsis Here

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  • Field Events
releasing the rice field-reared salmon into the Sacramento River

Release of the Rice Field-reared Salmon into the Sacramento River

performing tagging surgery on young salmon

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Recording data while fish pass out of the field into canal

Draining Field Plots and Collection of Salmon

gathing baby salmon with a net

Capture, Monitoring, and PIT Tagging

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UC Davis team checking on the caged fish

Aerial Imagery of Flooded Fish Habitat

Transporting baby salmon to protective cages

Introduction of Telemetry Fish into Cages


River Garden Farms Field Preparation

Preparing the eight field plots

Aerial Imagery of Field Work

Team members consider a candidate field for the project

Knagg’s Ranch Site Visit

2018-19 Field Events Archive

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Ingrained Podcast
S1 E6: Helping Salmon


Ingrained Podcast
S1 E7: Ocean Bound

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Core Project Team


Rachelle Tallman

Jacob Montgomery

Jacob Montgomery


Mike DeWit

Jennifer Kronk

Jennifer Kronk

Paul Buttner


Andrew L. Rypel, Ph.D.

Andrew L. Rypel, Ph.D.

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  • Expert

Dr. Peter Moyle

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  • Publications

Helping Salmon in the Sacramento Valley

Research tests how rice fields can benefit fish

Read Story at AgAlert.com

California Rice Salmon Pilot Project Making Steady Progress

Read Story at AgNetWest.com

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This new journey is made possible by a diverse coalition of funders:


Generous funding agreement from USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) covering nearly half of the total project cost.

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Major contribution from atom免费版安卓apk of about one-third of the project costs.

Other valued contributing sponsors include:


Bechtel Foundation Logo
California Almonds Logo
Conaway Preservation Group logo
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The Nigiri Project logo
NovaSource logo
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